Friday, 2 August 2013

Basic controls of window application

Label:- it is used to display the text.


Text:in this enter the text like this..

Backcolor: to change the color of the label.
Forecolor: to change the color of the text.

Textbox:- you can take input from the user.
Password char:-take the input in the form of asterisks or you want.
Multiline:_take the input in more than one line  .set true

the output :

Button:-it is used to generate the events or perform the task.
Text::-enter the text as your need.
double click on button you will get the code window(button click event).
in the click event write your logic.

Combobox:-used to select one value from the multiple value.
enter the text to display.
click on the Triangle present on the combobox then click on edit items.
write the values.

CheckBox:-used to select multiple value.
 change the text of the checkbox from the TEXT property.

Radiobutton:-select only one value from multiple value.
Tag-write any value and in another radiobutton write same value as you write in previous radiobutton.
radiobutton having the same tag value comes in one group.

tag value:a

you can select only one radiobutton.

Numericupdown:-provide the value in the certain range Ex-100-200
Listbox;-select one value from the multiple value.if you have 3 or 4 value use listbox control
if you have many value then use combobox because it takes less space on the form

from the property you can edit the items.

Picturebox:used to insert the image.
Image:-click on import the image then press ok.

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