Keywords Operators
Data Types In C:- Data type is used to define which type of data may variable hold. for different types of data C provides many datatypes for decimal value we use float, for integer value we use int , for character we use char , for string we use string.
There are 2 types:-
1)Primitive Data Type
2) Derived Data Type
int :- used for storing integer values.
Range:- -32768 to +32767
int a =10;
char- used for storing character.
Range -128 to +127
char aplha = 'a';
storing one character at a time.
float:- used for storing decimal values
Range:- 3.4E +/-38
float f= 2.8;
double:- used for storing big floating numbers.
Range:- 1.7E +/-308
double d = 2.444444;
Modifiers:- used for increasing the range of the above data types .
we discuss the range of all these in previous chapter named keyword check in this.
Qualifier:- There are two types of qualifier:-
the value of the variable cannot change throughout the execution of the program which declared as a const.
ex;- const int a =10;
the value of variable is changed by the hardware which is declared as volatile.
Range of all data types:-
int -32768 to +32767
unsigned int 0 to 65535
char -128 to +127
signed char -128 to +127
unsigned char 0 to 255
short -32768 to +32767
unsigned short 0 to 65535
long -2147483648 to +2147483647
unsigned long 0 to 4294967295
float 3.4E +/-38
double 1.7E +/-308
We discuss all derived data type in next chapter............
Data Types In C:- Data type is used to define which type of data may variable hold. for different types of data C provides many datatypes for decimal value we use float, for integer value we use int , for character we use char , for string we use string.
There are 2 types:-
1)Primitive Data Type
- int
- Char
- float
- double
2) Derived Data Type
- Array
- pointer
- Structure
- Enum
int :- used for storing integer values.
Range:- -32768 to +32767
int a =10;
char- used for storing character.
Range -128 to +127
char aplha = 'a';
storing one character at a time.
float:- used for storing decimal values
Range:- 3.4E +/-38
float f= 2.8;
double:- used for storing big floating numbers.
Range:- 1.7E +/-308
double d = 2.444444;
Modifiers:- used for increasing the range of the above data types .
- short
- long
- signed
- unsigned
we discuss the range of all these in previous chapter named keyword check in this.
Qualifier:- There are two types of qualifier:-
- const
- volatile
the value of the variable cannot change throughout the execution of the program which declared as a const.
ex;- const int a =10;
the value of variable is changed by the hardware which is declared as volatile.
Range of all data types:-
int -32768 to +32767
unsigned int 0 to 65535
char -128 to +127
signed char -128 to +127
unsigned char 0 to 255
short -32768 to +32767
unsigned short 0 to 65535
long -2147483648 to +2147483647
unsigned long 0 to 4294967295
float 3.4E +/-38
double 1.7E +/-308
We discuss all derived data type in next chapter............
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